What To Expect

At Matthew’s Table, we don’t expect you to be perfect.

In fact, if you are perfect, you’ll probably be really disappointed during our services. We’re a group of imperfect people chasing after a perfect God.

What To Expect

On Sunday mornings, we offer worship services at 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. at our church at the corner of 23rd & Allen Streets in midtown Owensboro. Here’s what to expect:

We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early so you’re not feeling rushed. Don’t worry about what you’re wearing. Dress comfortably. Most people wear jeans or shorts, and a t-shirt, polo, or hoodie.

Park in the parking lot behind the building, beside the building, or on the street (careful not to block our neighbors’ driveways!). 

Please enter through the lower-level doors at the front of the building, which faces 23rd Street.
When you enter, you'll be greeted by one of our friendly volunteers. On Sunday mornings, you should receive a bulletin, and can grab some coffee, visit our Welcome Desk for more information about the church, or head upstairs to the worship service.

If you have children, we'd love to serve them in our Children's Ministry, that we call Kids Table. On Sundays, Kids Table is available for birth through 5-years-old in our 9:30 a.m. service, or birth through 5th grade at our 11:15 a.m. service. On Wednesdays, Kids Table is available for birth through 5-years-old.

We have youth services for both middle and high school students as well. Both these ministries meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.

When you arrive to church, you can follow the signage to Kids Table, or ask one of our volunteers to direct you. They're happy to help!

Head to the sanctuary and find a seat. You’ll find we’re a lively church and we’re excited to see each other on Sunday mornings. No matter where you sit, you’ll see people giving each other hugs, high fives, hand shakes, and fist bumps when they see their friends and members of their church family. Somebody might walk by and shake your hand and tell you welcome.

On Sundays, we typically open with a prayer, followed by a time of worship music. Our worship team plays a selection of contemporary worship songs. Most folks in our chruch typically stand during the time of worship. Following worship, we'll have a moment where we take up our offering (guests are not expected to give), we'll have a few announcements, and then we'll get into the message for the day given by one of our pastors. After the message, there'll be another song with a time to respond to the message for anyone who may choose to do so. That may come in the form of talking with one of our pastors, meeting with a member of our prayer team, going to the altar to pray, or simply remaining at your seat. There's no expectation or requirement to respond to anything. Following that time of response, we close our service.

You may see people who go to the altar and pray during the worship songs. You'll see folks being friendly and participating in community. Some Sundays, we partake in communion as a church body. Other Sundays, you might see baptisms. 

Wednesdays follow a similar patter, albeit more broken down. We begin with worship, followed by a message, and usually a testimony from one of our church members about how God has worked in and through their life.

We can’t wait to see you next week!

Come Worship with Us